
Publications in reverse order of appearance

V. Steinbiss: „Speech Dialogue Systems in the Telecom Network“. In: Proc. of the International Workshop ‘Voice Operated Telecom Services’, Gent, Belgium, 2000, pp. 25-28. (invited lecture)

V. Steinbiss: “Natural Speech Dialogue Systems”, ASA-ICA 98, Seattle 1998. (invited lecture)

V. Steinbiss: “Automatische Spracherkennung - Forschung für den Alltag”, DAGA 1997.

B.-H. Tran, F. Seide, V. Steinbiss: "A word graph based n-best search in continuous speech recognition“. In ICSLP 1996.

V. Steinbiss, H. Ney, X. Aubert, S. Besling, C. Dugast, U. Essen, D. Geller, R. Haeb-Umbach, R. Kneser, H.-G. Meier, M. Oerder, B.-H. Tran: “The Philips Research System for Continuous-Speech Recognition”, Philips Journal of Research, 1995, pp. 317-352. [pdf 1,6 MB]

H. Aust, M. Oerder, F. Seide, V. Steinbiss: "A Spoken Language Inquiry System For Automatic Train Timetable Information", Philips Journal of Research, 1995, pp. 399-418. [pdf 915 KB] 

V. Steinbiss, H. Ney, et al.: "Continuous Speech Dictation - From Theory to Practice", Speech Communication 17 (1995), pp. 19-38. [pdf 1,2 MB]

H. Aust, M. Oerder, F. Seide, V. Steinbiss: “The Philips automatic train timetable information System”, Speech Communication 17 (1995), pp. 249-262. (invited paper)

X. Aubert, C. Dugast, H. Ney and V. Steinbiss (1994), "Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition of Wall Street Journal Data", ICASSP'94, Vol. II, pp. 129-132, Adelaide, 1994. [pdf 386 KB] 

Volker Steinbiss: “Applications of Automatic Speech Recognition in Dictation, Information Retrieval and Device Control”, Berlin 1994.

V. Steinbiss, B.-H. Tran and H. Ney: "Improvements in Beam Search", Proc. ICSLP Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing 1994, Yokohama, Japan, vol. 4, pp. 2143-2146. [pdf 320 KB]  

H. Aust, M. Oerder, F. Seide and V. Steinbiss: "Experience with the Philips Automatic Train Timetable Information System", Proc. IVTTA'94 Second IEEE Workshop on Interactive Voice Technology for Telecommunications Applications, Kyoto, pp. 67-72, 1994.  [pdf 549 KB]

V. Steinbiss, H. Ney, U. Essen-Willemsen, B.-H. Tran, X. Aubert, C. Dugast, R. Kneser, H.-G. Meier, M. Oerder, R. Haeb-Umbach, D. Geller, W. Hoellerbauer, H. Bartosik: “Continuous Speech Dictation - From Theory to Practice”, Speech Communication 17 (1994), pp. 19-38. (invited paper)

V. Steinbiß: „Pausenlos diktieren - kontinuierliche Spracherkennung in der Radiologie“, in: Spektrum der Wissenschaft, March 1994, pp.94-97.

H. Ney, V. Steinbiss, R. Haeb-Umbach, B.-H. Tran, U. Essen: "An Overview of the Philips Research System for Large-Vocabulary Continuous-Speech Recognition", International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Special Issue on Speech Recognition for Different Languages, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 33-70, 1994. (invited paper)

V. Steinbiss, H. Ney, R. Haeb-Umbach, B.-H. Tran, U. Essen, R. Kneser, M. Oerder, H.-G. Meier, X. Aubert, C. Dugast, D. Geller, W. Hoellerbauer, H. Bartosik: “The Philips Research System for Large-Vocabulary Continuous-Speech Recognition”, Eurospeech 93 European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Berlin, Germany, 1993, vol. 3, pp. 2125-2128. [pdf 421 KB] 

R. Kneser, V. Steinbiss: "On the Dynamic Adaptation of Stochastic Language Models", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Minneapolis, USA, April 1993, vol. II, pp. 586-588. [pdf 300 KB] 

U. Essen, V. Steinbiss: "Cooccurrence smoothing for stochastic language modeling", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. I-161 - I-164, March 1992. [pdf 256 KB]

H. Ney, V. Steinbiss, A. Paeseler: "A Research Prototype System for Large-Vocabulary Continuous-Speech Recognition", in: H. Mangold (ed.): Sprachliche Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation. R. Oldenbourg Verlag München Wien 1992, p. 79-90.

V. Steinbiss: "A Search Organization for Large-Vocabulary Recognition Based on N-Best Decoding", Eurospeech 91 European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Genova, Italy, 24-26 Sep. 1991, pp. 1217-1220. [pdf 394 KB]

Hermann Ney, Volker Steinbiss, Annedore Paeseler: “A Research Prototype System for Large-Vocabulary Continuous-Speech Recognition”, in IT, Series "Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen", R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1991.

V. Steinbiss, A. Noll, A. Paeseler, H. Ney et al.: "A 10000-Word Continuous Speech Recognition System", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc., Albuquerque, NM, pp. 57-60, April 1990. [pdf 307 KB] 

A. Paeseler, V. Steinbiss, A. Noll: "Phoneme-based Continuous-Speech Recognition in the SPICOS-II System", in IT, Series "Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen", R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1989.

A. Paeseler, H. Ney, V. Steinbiss, H. Höge, E. Marschall: "Continuous-Speech Recognition in the SPICOS-II System", GI-Kongreß 'Wissensbasierte Systeme', München, October 17, 1989, Springer Lecture Notes.

V. Steinbiss: "Sentence-Hypotheses Generation in a Continuous-Speech Recognition System", Proc. of the European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology, Paris, Sep. 1989, Vol. 2, pp. 51-54. [pdf 376 KB]

V. Steinbiss, H.-H. Hamer, D. Mergel, H. Ney, A. Noll, A. Paeseler, H. Piotrowski, H. Tomaschewski: "The Speech Database Used in SPICOS", Proc. of the ESCA Workshop on 'Speech Input/Output Assessment and Speech Databases', pp. 2.7.1-4, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, Sept. 1989.

V. Steinbiss, R. Ullrich, H. Ney: "Curve Fitting for the Recognition of Line Drawings", EUSIPCO '88 Forth European Signal Processing Conference, Grenoble, September 1988, Signal Processing IV: Theories and Applications, J. L. Lacoume et al. (Eds.), pp. 1449-1452. [pdf 266 KB] 

Volker Steinbiß: "Das formale Prinzip für reduzierte komplexe Räume mit einer schwachen Positivitätseigenschaft", Math. Ann. 274, 485-502 (1986). (Thesis) [pdf 894 KB]  


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